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The Self

silhouette of handsome asian man praying.

The Soul


The Creator


Human Existence


Life on Earth

Teenage girl with praying in sunny nature. Young girl meditate in the green forest with sun lights background.

Life after Earth

The Jerusalem Unity Center

Online Learning and Personal Growth towards THE ONE

The Soul

The Soul” is a sanctuary of acceptance and belonging, transcending geographical borders and cultural divides. It stands as a testament to the universal truth that every individual, regardless of their origin or background, holds inherent value and worth. Within these hallowed walls, we unite under the common belief in one God, fostering a sense of unity that binds us all together.


Our mission within “The Soul” is clear: to bring people of all nations into a harmonious embrace, guided by the shared reverence for a higher power. We extend an open invitation to join us in this noble cause, to volunteer and become part of our charitable programs. Together, we can be the beacon of hope and kindness that the world so desperately needs.


Through collective effort, we aspire to touch the lives of those in need, offering them solace and support in their most vulnerable moments. Every act of generosity, no matter how small, carries the potential to create a monumental impact. It is in this truth that we find the essence of our purpose – to make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of others.

The self

Within ‘The Self,’ we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It is a space where introspection and understanding flourish, allowing us to delve into the depths of our own being. Here, we celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, recognizing that each person holds their own invaluable essence. 


In ‘The Self,’ we find the power to transcend limitations, to overcome challenges, and to embrace our true potential. It is a sanctuary of self-acceptance, where imperfections are celebrated as the marks of a life lived authentically. Through self-reflection and nurturing, we uncover our passions, strengths, and purpose, ultimately guiding us towards a more fulfilled and meaningful existence.


As we navigate the journey within ‘The Self,’ we come to understand that our worth is not defined by external validations, but by the love and respect we cultivate for ourselves. It is a place of empowerment, where we learn to honor our needs, set boundaries, and forge a path that aligns with our deepest desires and aspirations.


In ‘The Self,’ we discover that true happiness and contentment lie in the embrace of our authentic selves. It is a lifelong voyage of self-love and self-compassion, a continuous evolution towards becoming the best version of who we are meant to be. Join us in this exploration, and let us celebrate the beauty and potential that resides within each and every one of us.

The creator

Within ‘The Creator,’ we honor the boundless potential within each individual to shape and mold their own destiny. It is a space where imagination, innovation, and inspiration converge, giving birth to new ideas and transformative endeavors. Here, we recognize that every person is endowed with the capacity to bring something unique and meaningful into the world.


In ‘The Creator,’ we embrace the notion that we are all artists of our own lives, crafting narratives that resonate with purpose and passion. It is a sanctuary for those who dare to dream, who seek to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of existence. Through creativity and innovation, we unlock the door to infinite possibilities, forging paths that lead to progress and positive change.


As we navigate the realm of ‘The Creator,’ we understand that our innate gifts and talents are not meant to be kept hidden, but to be shared with the world. It is a space that encourages collaboration, where ideas flourish and grow through the collective efforts of like-minded individuals. Together, we have the power to build, to innovate, and to create a legacy that transcends time.


In ‘The Creator,’ we celebrate the power of human potential and the beauty of bringing visions to life. It is a testament to the limitless capabilities that reside within us all. Join us in this journey of self-expression and creation, and let us together unlock the doors to a future filled with possibility, innovation, and profound impact.

The living Gd

Within ‘The Creator,’ we honor the boundless potential within each individual to shape and mold their own destiny. It is a space where imagination, innovation, and inspiration converge, giving birth to new ideas and transformative endeavors. Here, we recognize that every person is endowed with the capacity to bring something unique and meaningful into the world.


In ‘The Creator,’ we embrace the notion that we are all artists of our own lives, crafting narratives that resonate with purpose and passion. It is a sanctuary for those who dare to dream, who seek to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of existence. Through creativity and innovation, we unlock the door to infinite possibilities, forging paths that lead to progress and positive change.


As we navigate the realm of ‘The Creator,’ we understand that our innate gifts and talents are not meant to be kept hidden, but to be shared with the world. It is a space that encourages collaboration, where ideas flourish and grow through the collective efforts of like-minded individuals. Together, we have the power to build, to innovate, and to create a legacy that transcends time.


In ‘The Creator,’ we celebrate the power of human potential and the beauty of bringing visions to life. It is a testament to the limitless capabilities that reside within us all. Join us in this journey of self-expression and creation, and let us together unlock the doors to a future filled with possibility, innovation, and profound impact.

Life on earth

Life on Earth is a tapestry of remarkable diversity and interdependence. It encompasses an astonishing array of ecosystems, each teeming with a myriad of species, each playing a unique role in the intricate web of life. From the vast oceans to the sprawling forests, and from the towering mountains to the sprawling plains, our planet is a haven of beauty and wonder.


In this rich tapestry, every organism, no matter how small, contributes to the delicate balance that sustains life. From the resilient microorganisms that thrive in extreme conditions to the majestic creatures that roam the continents, each life form holds a significance that goes beyond the surface.


Yet, with this gift of life comes a profound responsibility. It is our duty to cherish and protect the biodiversity that graces our planet. We must be stewards of the environment, advocating for conservation and sustainable practices. Through our collective efforts, we can ensure a future where generations to come will continue to marvel at the wonders of our natural world.


Life on Earth is a constant reminder of the resilience, adaptability, and beauty that surrounds us. It is a source of inspiration, urging us to explore, to learn, and to appreciate the intricate dance of existence. Let us embrace this gift with gratitude and reverence, and strive to leave a legacy that honors the extraordinary life that thrives on our beloved planet.

The purpose of existence

The question of our existence is one that has echoed through the corridors of human thought for millennia. It is a profound inquiry that touches the very essence of our being. Within the tapestry of existence, we find meaning in the connections we forge, the experiences we gather, and the impact we leave behind.


The purpose of existence is a personal journey, a quest to discover one’s unique role in the grand symphony of life. It is a journey of self-discovery, of understanding our passions, strengths, and the impact we can have on the world. It calls us to reflect on the legacy we wish to leave, the mark we want to make, and the lives we want to touch.


In the tapestry of existence, we find purpose in the bonds we form with others. It is in our relationships, our shared experiences, and our collective endeavors that we uncover the true richness of life. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and service, we find fulfillment in contributing to the well-being and happiness of those around us.


Ultimately, the purpose of existence is a deeply personal and evolving exploration. It is a journey that invites us to embrace the beauty of the present moment, to cherish the connections we make, and to pursue our passions with vigor and authenticity. It is in this journey that we find the true essence of what it means to be alive.

Human Be-ing

To be human is a profound gift, an intricate dance of existence that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is to navigate the world with a heart that beats with compassion, a mind that seeks understanding, and a spirit that yearns for connection.

As ‘human be-ings,’ we are not defined solely by our actions or accomplishments, but by the essence of our being. It is in the depths of our emotions, the heights of our aspirations, and the complexity of our thoughts that we discover the true richness of our existence.

In this journey of ‘be-ing,’ we find purpose in the moments of stillness, in the quiet whispers of our inner selves. It is in these moments that we connect with the core of our being, where we unearth our authentic selves and embrace the full spectrum of our humanity.

As ‘human be-ings,’ we carry within us the power to create, to love, and to transform. It is through our presence, our empathy, and our capacity for growth that we shape not only our own destinies, but also the world around us.

In the tapestry of ‘human be-ing,’ we celebrate the beauty of imperfection, the strength in vulnerability, and the resilience that resides within each of us. It is in this dance of existence that we find purpose, meaning, and the extraordinary potential of what it truly means to be a ‘human be-ing’.