The Jerusalem Unity Center

We learn from the Torah that God created us all from the same mold and we all share the same basic elements of humanity, but each of us is also unique. Each individual human being is infinitely valuable.


“Build it and they will come”

The Jerusalem Unity Center is a Jerusalem based non-profit that  holds a 5013C USA tax exempt status.


The Jerusalem
Unity Center

"All Nations, The One God"

“I Come to Gather All Nations; They Shall Come and See My Glory”

Isaiah 66:18

what we do

The Prophecy

“In that Day, his name will be One and he will be One”

Zechariah 14:9 


The Vision

Envision an awe-inspiring dream unfolding within the heart of Jerusalem, a vision that soars above the divisions of humanity in search of deeper truths and the art of harmonious coexistence. This ambitious dream takes shape as the “Jerusalem Unity Center,” a House of Prayer for All the Nations.


This center is not merely a structure; it is a living embodiment of our shared aspirations, transcending political boundaries and religious affiliations. It stands as a resounding testament to our collective pursuit of truth and peaceful cohabitation.


Within its walls, a rich tapestry of faiths converges, forming a vibrant mosaic of spirituality. It serves as a crossroads where individuals from diverse religious backgrounds embark on a shared journey, seeking to understand the singular God who is the essence of unity.


The Mission

We the Sevcenty Nations Jerusalem, are driven by the unwavering belief that unity transcends all differences and holds the power to transform individuals and communities. Our core principle is to create opportunities for people of all backgrounds, faiths, and walks of life to come together in the heart of Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and diversity.


Our mission is to build bridges of understanding, empathy, and cooperation. We believe that by fostering dialogue, celebrating diversity, and nurturing a sense of shared purpose, we can pave the way for a more harmonious future for Jerusalem and beyond.


Through education, cultural exchange, and community engagement, we aim to break down barriers and empower individuals to actively participate in shaping a more inclusive and compassionate society. Together, we envision a Jerusalem where unity is not just a goal, but a way of life, and where the collective strength of our differences propels us towards a brighter and more interconnected world.


Our Goals and Objectives

Our vision for this center transcends the ordinary; it is truly extraordinary. It will be a testament to humanity’s timeless quest for unity and enlightenment, where the diverse threads of spirituality, science, and individual self-realization come together in perfect harmony. Beyond serving as a physical space, this center will be a catalyst for global dialogue, a hub for collaborative research, and a sanctuary for those on a journey to deepen their connection with One God.

Together, we will craft an enduring legacy firmly rooted in the rich soil of Jerusalem’s history. From this sacred city, we will extend our hand to the world, inspiring others to embark on their own profound journeys of spiritual exploration and self-discovery. We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us in shaping this remarkable endeavor, contributing your unique perspective to the ever-evolving mosaic of understanding that we are building in this hallowed city. Together, we will illuminate the path towards unity, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the Divine.

Your Prophecy

You matter to us,
You matter to God

In a world filled with diverse beliefs and spiritual paths, we often find ourselves on separate journeys, each seeking answers, purpose, and connection. But have you ever felt that beneath the surface of our differences, there is a common yearning, a shared desire for something more profound, a universal call that echoes in the depths of our souls?

As the tides of change sweep across our world, we are presented with a unique opportunity—an opportunity to transcend the illusion of separation that has divided us for far too long. It is a call to surrender to the voice within, the voice of the living God that resonates in the hearts of every individual, regardless of their faith or creed.

Imagine a world where we set aside the boundaries of our religions and traditions, not to forsake them, but to discover the common thread that runs through them all—a thread of love, compassion, and a shared reverence for the sacred. It is a journey of rediscovering the essence of our beliefs, a journey that leads us to a profound realization: that we are all interconnected, all part of a greater whole.

Embracing Unity: An Invitation to All

In a world filled with diverse beliefs and spiritual paths, we often find ourselves on separate journeys, each seeking answers, purpose, and connection. But have you ever felt that beneath the surface of our differences, there is a common yearning, a shared desire for something more profound, a universal call that echoes in the depths of our souls?

As the tides of change sweep across our world, we are presented with a unique opportunity—an opportunity to transcend the illusion of separation that has divided us for far too long. It is a call to surrender to the voice within, the voice of the living God that resonates in the hearts of every individual, regardless of their faith or creed.

Imagine a world where we set aside the boundaries of our religions and traditions, not to forsake them, but to discover the common thread that runs through them all—a thread of love, compassion, and a shared reverence for the sacred. It is a journey of rediscovering the essence of our beliefs, a journey that leads us to a profound realization: that we are all interconnected, all part of a greater whole.

The world is changing, and as it does, we too can change. We can choose to let go of the divisions that have plagued humanity for centuries and instead embrace the unity that has always been there, waiting for us to recognize it. It is a unity that transcends labels and dogmas, a unity that unites us in our humanity.

We extend an invitation to you—an invitation to consider the possibility of a world where we come together, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Let us seek the wisdom of our various faiths and traditions, not as barriers, but as pathways to a deeper understanding of the divine. Let us surrender to the voice calling us within, for it is the voice of the living God, guiding us towards a more compassionate, harmonious world.

In unity, we find strength. In connection, we find purpose. And in embracing the divine within us and in others, we find peace. It is time to answer the call of unity and embark on this transformative journey together.

Will you join us in this quest for a world united in spirit and purpose?





Dear Friends,

I invite you to join me on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, growth, and success. My life has been a tapestry woven with experiences, both challenging and rewarding, that have led me to profound insights and achievements. I believe that sharing these experiences can empower you to chart your own path to personal and professional fulfillment.

As I reflect on my journey, I’m reminded of the countless lessons learned, the obstacles overcome, and the triumphs celebrated. It’s been a journey marked by continuous growth and a deepening understanding of what it means to thrive in today’s world.

I want to extend my hand to you and offer you the opportunity to benefit from my experiences. Whether you’re seeking to advance in your career, cultivate meaningful relationships, or simply find greater happiness and purpose in your life, I’m here to share the wisdom I’ve gained along the way.

Together, we can explore strategies for success, tackle challenges with resilience, and uncover the keys to personal fulfillment. My hope is that through this journey, you’ll gain not only valuable insights but also the motivation and confidence to pursue your dreams.

Join me in this endeavor to learn, grow, and thrive. Let’s embark on a transformative journey together, one that promises personal and professional development, and a deeper connection to the abundant possibilities that life has to offer.

To get started, simply reach out to me at [Your Contact Information]. I look forward to connecting with you and embarking on this enriching journey together.

With warm regards,



Meirah Marianne Paradise

Founder/ Director 

The Seventy Nations and The Jerusalem Unity Center



our goals

Join us in Jerusalem!

The Miracle of Redemption

“Even them I will bring to My Holy Mountain, and make them joyful in My House of Prayer for My House shall be called"
Isaiah 56:7


Upcoming Events

There are currently no events.

"Arise, Shine! For your light has come and the glory of the Lord shines upon you."

For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and a gross darkness the kingdoms, and the Lord shall shine upon you, and His glory shall appear over you.

And nations shall go by your light and kings by the brilliance of your shine.

Lift up your eyes all around and see, they all have gathered, they have come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be raised on [their] side.

Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall be startled and become enlarged, for the abundance of the west shall be turned over to you, the wealth of the nations that will come to you.