The Future of Humanity in Righteousness

You Are Always Welcome

No matter where you come from or what your background is, you are valued and accepted here. Our mission is to unite people from all nations under the shared belief in one God. We invite you to join us in our mission by volunteering for our charity programs. Through our work together, we can bring peace to those in need and make a positive impact on the world. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the lives of others. We believe that together, we can achieve great things and create a more compassionate and harmonious world. So come, join us and experience the fulfilling and rewarding feeling of making a difference.

Meirah~Marianne Paradise

Marianne Paradise affectionately known as Meirah, weaves the tapestry of Unity with an electrifying spirit. In the realm of spirituality and interfaith, she stands as a  powerful luminary, radiating a profound understanding of the divine found in each soul.

Meirah Marianne is not merely a founder; she is a spiritual architect, crafting bridges of understanding between nations and peoples.

Beyond her organizational pursuits, Meirah Marianne reveals herself as both as an author and a musician, peace activist and effective communicator inviting others to explore the profound depths of their own spirituality.

Her life’s purpose shines most brilliantly as she tirelessly tills the soil of grassroots organizations dedicated to harmony and inter-religious affairs. Her commitment extends to every corner of our diverse world, touching the lives of people from all walks of life.

In 1998, a transformative journey to Rome beckoned. Meirah Marianne, carrying her dreams of a more unified world and a deeper understanding of the Creator, met Pope John Paul II. Her ideas resonated with the Pontiff, who, in a profound moment of recognition, bestowed upon her his Apostolic Blessing. It was a testament to her ecumenical efforts and her unwavering commitment to uniting humanity under the banner of the One God.

Her journey ultimately led her to embraced  her Jewish heritage as she embarked on a path of rediscovery in Israel, nurturing her newfound Jewish root after discovery her own roots as an adopted child.

 A testament to the enduring human quest for deeper connections, greater understanding, and a shared appreciation of the divine, Meirah Marianne founded of The Seventy Nations Jerusalem, a place where the Nations gather to engage with in the quest for knowledge of the One God, the Creator of the vast Universe and also The Jerusalem Unity Center inviting all to join in the journey towards a more harmonious world, united under the benevolent gaze of the One God.

A  daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother, Meirah Marianne finds her truest purpose in nurturing the bonds of family, believing that unity begins at home, in the embrace of loved ones, concpets that inspire the pursuit of peace and unity in the heart of Jerusalem. 





Universal Laws of Righteousness

Life is full of choices and each choice can lead us to a different path. It’s important to choose our paths wisely, and always remember to rely on the wisdom of the Lord. By focusing on His teachings, we can build a strong foundation for the future, just as a tree grows strong through nurturing the soil and seeking sunlight. In every season of life, we can bear fruit and remain steadfast. Discover the Laws of Righteous all religions share in common with the One God . You too can achieve greatness in the very decision to join the moral concepts that can become a stepping stone towards a blessed and faithful life. Let us open our hearts, dedicate ourselves fully, and meditate on these founding principles to unlock the full potential of walking in righteousness with the living God .

The Value of All Humanity

The Torah teaches us that every single person is a beautiful creation of God, unique and valuable. Each and every one of us is formed with the same basic elements of humanity. But beyond that, we are all special and distinct in our own beautiful way. We are all born with a unique purpose, destined to contribute our own special talents and gifts to the world. Our differences are not something to be ashamed of, but rather something to embrace and celebrate. Remember, you are infinitely valuable and have so much to offer. So go out into the world with confidence and share your unique light with the rest of humanity. You have the power to make a difference in your own way, and in doing so, you can help to light up the world.


Join us on the exciting adventure of self discovery of the living God who dwell within you!